It's here... JUANuary 5th

Yep, you heard me right. It's finally here. Time to throw out the conventional spelling of the first month of the year, and transform it into a sexier version of itself. That's right. It's no longer January, people... it's JUANuary. I mean, it's only one extra letter, but ay ay ay it is turns a mere word into something muy caliente. Who knew.

This season will no doubt be JUANderful. Because this Bachelor is JUAN-in-a-million, AND he speaks the language of love.

Here we go. Let's get the party started. Time for my weekly Mommy vacays to begin. Everyone in my house is fully aware that I am emotionally unavailable on Monday nights between 7 and 9. It's a fact. Judge if you will.

Until we meet again, readers. I leave you with this...


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