T minus 24 days until Ben F!!!!

To quote the commercials...it’s BAAAAACK!
And by “it” they mean IT!! This...

The Bachelor!!
ABC is on its toes. We are seeing all sorts of intro pieces to - you got it, the season of Ben! Ben F, that is. Ben freakin’ Flajnik. Ok ok ok, I am fully aware he isn’t the most handsome of Bachelors ever to grace the screen. However, he is quite the hottie! He loves his Mom and his sister. He makes wine (shoutout #2 to Vergie). Enough said.
The commercials leave us guessing. An old lady. Hmmm. Well. I have nothing. The crier in the red dress. Please please please let her be the first one out the door. Hebert ruined me. I can’t take it. The tears. The whining. Gah!
I have just a few first impression opinions purely based on pictures:
Here’s one that surprises me. FINALLY, a bachelorette with some curves!

I think I’m going to like Linzi C. She looks wholesome and sweet. Almost Tenley-ish...

Another Emily. There’s also something about this girl that looks sweet. Maybe it’s the pink shirt. Maybe it’s the name. Nonetheless.

And all I can say about good old (pardon the pun) Sheryl is...WHAA?!?!

Trust me, I have other - mildly unsavory - opinions regarding overly enhanced body parts, unkept highlights, tacky tattoos & “dumb blonde” syndrome. BUTTT I think I’ll put up my claws and keep it positive until episode 1. No promises after that. Cheers to a new season. Cheers to a perfect Bachelor. Cheers to the anticipation. Cheers, Ben. See you soon. Until then, I’ll be watching your tweets...
Ben Flajnic “Ben F” - winemaker, sf giants fan, fernet branca, bachelor 16, boom.


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