Duck & Run!
Good morning, readers. So here's the skinny...
I have some crazy head cold stuff working overtime on me, so to combat that, I took a TheraFlu cold formula last night. Before I knew it, I was out...45 minutes into The Bachelor. PANIC! The episode I've been waiting for since we first saw previews of a certain Tierrible fit. And I FELL ASLEEP. Gahhhhh!
Today, I must play a game of duck and run. I shall avoid Facebook, Twitter, text messages or calls from Bachelor watchers and any other contact with the outside world that might serve as a spoiler. After work, I come out from hiding, I go home, I finish watching, then I blog.
Forgive me if I inadvertently (or purposely) avoid you today. It will be quite the challenge not hearing any spoilers from last night's episode, but I can do this. I know I can.
Until tonight!
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