Those Darn Resolutions!

It’s that time of year again...

New Year’s resolution time. In years past, I have engaged in the resolution cliche. Like many others, I normally resolve to eat better, exercise and lose weight - normally resulting in a sinister cycle of dieting and deprivation. How has that worked out for me, you ask? Well, I am at my lifetime “healthiest” if that answers your question. What can I say, I like to eat and I love good food. Last year’s New Year’s resolution was a “40 by 40” plan in which I set my goal to lose 40 pounds before I turned 40. That didn’t work out so well. It’s not that I CAN’’s that I won’t. This year I am boycotting the whole resolution thing. I’m sure lots of things around the world will repeat themselves this month as in Januaries past. Gym memberships will rise. Tobacco sales will decrease. People will stick money in savings accounts and in Mason jars. All only temporarily for most. But I choose to forego the bandwagon this year because of the likelihood of failure. Sounds pessimistic in a way, but I’m a realist. Look at the statistics. It is what it is. Choosing a particular day to commit to something seems so counterproductive. Don’t rely on tradition and ceremony. When you decide to do something for the betterment of your well-being - mental, physical or otherwise - I’m a firm believer in resolving to do it on the day you come to the realization that it needs to be resolved. Don’t put it off until January 1. For this reason, my “resolutions” will begin on the day I wake up with the independent drive to achieve them. It’s going to take something more influential than a date on a calendar to turn my dreams into reality. Tomorrow turns a new page. As for today, I think I’ll have me some chocolate pie.
All of this said, I did eat my peas and hog jowl today. I didn’t say I wasn’t superstitious.
Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2012!
PS - Wasn’t it just the other day that we were preparing ourselves for Y2K and its impending dangers? Time does indeed fly.


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